Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Cheryl Poem by Bev Pomering

The following is a poem that Bev Pomering wrote and framed honoring Cheryl.


A portrayal of God’s daughter.

Courageous only begins to describe the strength shown throughout her life journey.

A Hero not only to her children but to friends, family
and those she’s never met.

Cheryl could
send an Encouraging word by just speaking from her heart. These words, given to her by God to share with
those in need of hearing them.

To live a Righteous life for Christ was her goal. An
illustration of how following the path that God sets
before you is blessed beyond our own understanding.

She Yearned to bring glory to God
from her time here on earth by following that righteous
path sharing her faith and preserving through trials.
That just leaves one last adjective to describe
this Sister in Christ,

“And the greatest of these is LOVE.”

Written on the back of the frame.

To the Cummins Family,

My deepest sympathies to all of you. Cheryl touched my life deeply. Her strength was an inspiration! And still is. God blessed many lives through her.

I wanted you to know that her legacy lives on beyond your family tree. Her branches reached to the sky! I pray God continues to bless you all.

Thank you for allowing us to be blessed by you. I am humbled at your example of living by Faith.

Your Sister in Christ

Bev Pomering