Monday, October 24, 2005

24 Oct 2005

To All,

Cheryl finished the last of the Chemotherapy at 2025 on Saturday 22 OCT. She has been very weak and her immune system is non-existent. They didn't perform the Bone Marrow Biopsy today, they are planning on doing it on Wednesday. We will not have the results until around Friday.

Sunday night was a bit rough for her, her temperature spiked and she has an infection. as of 1644 Monday 24 OCT they had pumped approximatly 4 units of blood into her as her blood preasure is very low.

Just and FYI:

If the bone Marrow Biopsy is good then she will move to phase II - rebuilding her immune and blood systems. Part of phase III is the stem cell transplant which she has been approved for. In phase III they will harvest some of her stem cells for the transplant, re-administer a heavier dose of Chemotherapy than the first time and then proceed with the transplant.

If her bone marrow biopsy isn't clear then they will repeat phase I; 7 more days of chemotherapy then on to phase II.

As of now, 2007 Monday 24 OCT, she is carrying a low grade fever and has eaten something of her last two meals. She is still very tired.

You should see her room, it has cards from lots of people pinned/ taped and/or standing all over. She has a whole wall of childrens cards from Awana and she just got a bunch from the 2nd & 3rd grade Sunday School students, not to mention all those from freinds and family. What a joy it brings to Cheryl and really all of the family.

The whole church body, my work and Emily's dance school have reached out to help us and it is wonderful.

Even the church youth group, gave us gas cards and McDonald coupons for our travels (I promise to pay these back if we win the McDonalds Monopoly).

We welcome visitors. However, if you are sick or just getting over being sick, please wait to come see her until you are completly healed.

Will write more as we know more. Please keep the prayers going that will be the strongest tool to Cheryl's healing.



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