Friday, February 9, 2007

9 Feb 2007

Hello everyone,
It is a bit like Ground Hog's Day the movie here. Each day seems the same at clinic, get more platelets.
We returned from Minneapolis Wed. THe Dr. there confirms what our Dr. here says. There is some cell growth, it is just slow, he said I am the tortoise and the hare was killed by the previous treatments I received. He said he wished he would have given me more of Sandy's cells but since he didn't it isn't worth it now to have the platelet level drop to 0 for at least 21 days, I am willing to wait. We go back up there in three months.
Meanwhile the Dr here said if something significant doesn't happen with the cells in 30 days she wants to pursue other options, like having another DLI in Minneapolis. We are praying there will be significant cell growth in the next month. Only God knows when or if that is going to happen. WE are so thankful to have a bone marrow biopsy clear of leukemia.
Hurray the sun is shinning! It makes you feel warmer. I am content to stay inside. It is just tooo cold here for me. It was actually 1* this morning. Well, that is the story as I know it.
* Pray that the cells start producing
* Pray for endurance, we are growing weary
* Pray when the cells produce there will be no leukemia
*Pray for Emily and Michael, they have been through so much!
* Pray for strength for Gene
Thanks for Praying,

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